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When I started out with this blog…

I thought I was being oh-so-creative when I entitled my blog, Life Between Words.I never thought I’d have so much life jammed between every single word I try to sit down and write.

For example, in the last 30 days, I broke my foot two weeks before my daughter’s destination wedding in the Yucatán. With my foot encased in a lovely black-strappy thing, I traveled to the Riviera Maya and witnessed the most beautiful wedding at one of the most beautiful places on earth. Then I experienced my first Tropical Storm Alex.  I have to add that the turbulence on the plane ride home was exhilarating. After arriving home I had three days before surgery to remove a mass, this time from my  ribcage.  

Now, as I write this, my foot still propped in the air and ice on an incision that doesn’t allow for a bra, I can’t help wonder what’s next. Not in life. Let’s face it. Some of the stuff just happens. But with the rain comes the rainbows. It gives us ideas to mull over. It gives us time to experience breathtaking moments of absolute joy and heart aching sorrow to endure. It gives us time to silence our heads and just be.

As I mull over what to say on this  blog, I realize that instead of fighting the life that wedges itself between my time to write,  I intend to embrace the moments. No need to struggle so much. No need to turn what brought me great joy into a grinding job. No, instead, I’ll write as often as I can. It doesn’t matter where I write. Because writing is a part of my life. And from the life between words comes creativity. Each soul-touching word, strung together, breathes life into the characters in my stories. And then it’s my turn to learn from them.

Like the lense on a camera, my life is coming into focus. See, God is not only mending the bones in my foot, and knitting my flesh back together. In His wisdom, He’s given me back my dream. 

All is well.

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